Robotic Surgery

Mr Cockbain has led the introduction of new robotic technology for upper gastrointestinal surgery in Leeds.  He can offer robotic surgery as an alternative to laparoscopic “keyhole” surgery for the treatment of acid reflux, weight loss, and achalasia.

Ask Mr Cockbain is robotic surgery might be an option for you.


Robotic surgery involves making 4 or 5 small “keyhole” cuts.  Small robotic instruments and a camera are inserted into the body.  The surgeons controls these instruments from a console.  Contrary to what some people think, it is the surgeon that is continuously in control performing the operation, not the robot.   The magnified three-dimensional image at the console gives the surgeon a better view of the operation, and the robotic instruments are more precise and can move more accurately in small spaces than standard laparoscopy.

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